Birzeit University Museum and A.M.Qattan Foundation cordially invite you to attend the opening of the Exhibition: "Cities Exhibition 6, Lydda- A Garden Dis-remembered"
Opening Thursday, 4 October 2018- 1:00 PM
Birzeit University Museum | The Exhibition runs up until 15 January 2019
Cities Exhibition 6, 2018
Lydda – A Garden Disremembered
It is a ritual in the Cities Exhibition to celebrate the divergent research of the participants in a notebook that explores the initial strains of thoughts that inspired the exhibit’s talks, walks and the final exhibition. Most of the documentary material produced on Lydda focuses on a very special violence of Palestinians becoming victims in relation to its representation of the Nakba. Such a body of work is grounded predominantly in narratives and testimonies on the spectacles of horror, killings, exile, displacement, uprooting and massacres perpetrated against Palestinians in 1948. However, the notebook in its content and form it is not merely a documentary of historical information, or a nostalgia item of a golden past before the Nakba: It is a space for intersecting dissertations about history, the present and future.
Researchers: Hadeel Yaqob, Manal Massalha, Razan Khalaf, Tareq Khalaf.
Artists: Alexandra Brunt, Luca Vanello, Mahdi Baraghithi, Maria Kaik, May Herbawe, Tina Willgren.
The curatorial Committee: Abd Alrahman Shabaneh, Amer Shomali, Iyad Issa, Vera Tamari, Yazid Anani, Ziad Haj Ali.