Birzeit University Museum conducted a full training course dedicated to the design and installation of exhibitions, through direct practical implementation conducted by the team of Birzeit Universtiy Museum, and under the supervision of Designer Omar Yousef Naser, to produce the Ceremonial Uniform Exhibition.
The training course consisted of 50 working hours in the Museum, in addition to other field work and research outside the University. It continued for a period of six weeks; starting from February 10th until March 22nd 2014. Contributing in the training from Birzeit University was the Abu Lughod Institute employee Saeed Badawi, the student Faris Shomali, in addition to an arts teachers at public schools and an employee in the Palestinian Arts Court (Al-Hosh), who trained the trainees on the production of exhibitions. At the end of the training course, the trainees submitted a proposal for an exhibition.
Location of workshop: Birzeit University Museum. Main Gallery. Al-Qamarya Hall, Canaan Station.