Palestinian Political Posters Palestinian Political Posters is an art exhibition of more than 140 original political posters about Palestine taken from the private collections of George Michael Al Ama and Saleh Abd Al Jawad. These unique posters were produced between the years 1949 and 2000. They offer an insight into the various themes and visual representations that were commonly circulating with regards to the Palestinian question at the time. Worth noting is that the exhibition is not to be seen as a survey of all political posters; to this end, it does not cover all the topics that Palestinian posters dealt with during these five decades. Nevertheless, it attempts to provide an opportunity for the viewer to examine a variety of popular representational modes in the development of political poster art in Palestine and abroad. This exploration can further contribute to the understanding of how these posters impacted on the shaping of the collective perception of Palestinian national identity. The thematic display of the exhibition includes, but is not limited to, the subjects of: the refugees, the First Intifada, continuous and random closures of Palestinian universities, the hero-martyr figure, political parties, and student movements. Birzeit University Museum wishes to highlight through this exhibition the significant role owners of private collections- whether individuals or institutions- have played as tools to generate knowledge. The Museum would like to extend its sincere gratitude to the researchers and collectors George Michael Al Ama and Dr. Saleh Abd Al Jawad for their contribution and for generously offering their collections for display.
Curating the exhibition took into consideration two main aspects; the chronological order of issuing the posters, and the organizations and parties that were responsible for their production.