The project is a series of experiments and questions that address the city of Jericho. It was launched in 2012 in several stages: “The Notebook”, “Jericho Walks”, and the exhibition at Birzeit University Museum.
The curator worked with five artists on this exhibition. They transformed the space of the museum into a political space where artworks are employed as agents instigating continuous discussions and dialogue with the prevailing mainstream political discourse and prospectus of social issues.
The exhibition is curated around the “Heart” of the museum, which is an area designated for hosting presentations and debates around documentary material extrapolated from “The Notebook” and “Jericho Walks”. The area is surrounded by five artworks that aim to transgress the stereotypical perception of Jericho, and stipulate the audience to pose questions regarding the political manifestation of the tackled themes. Through these various activities, the museum space offers opportunities for university students and lecturers, art school teachers, as well as, the general public to utilize the “Heart” area for their learning experience, thus affirming the museum’s mission to generate alternative forms of knowledge that incubate unlimited possibilities for change.
This exhibition is funded by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa – Islamic Bank Administration, in partnership with the Municipality of Jericho, Goethe Institute and the British Council.
Artists: Iyad Issa, Sarah Beddington, ShuruqHarb, Samah Hijawi, Susanne Bosch.
Curated by Yazid Anani
Location: First Phase of the project was held as interventions in the public spaces in the city of Nablus.
The second phase was implemented as indoor works at Birzeit University Museum.Main Gallery