Mâskeh (made) of gold, beautifully written on both sides, on one side يا كافي يا شافي يا حافظ يا أمين Ya Kafi, Ya Shafi (Healer), Ya Hafiz, Ya Ameen on the second side a 4 x 4 square seal with the letters خ ا ل ق (Creator خالق), From a Muslim woman. Jerusalem,1912.
Collections /Jewelry
MaskehFull view
A Mâskeh, a piece of gold coin, two teeth (rimmed with silver, the tooth of a wolf سن الذيب), supposedly of a wolf, with 5 five coral pendants, the Mâskeh is engraved on the two sides. On one side: يا كافي يا شافي يا حافظ يا أمين Ya Kafi, Ya Shafi (Healer), Ya Hafiz, Ya Ameen. On the other side: ما شاء (in a sunbeam star); worn by a Muslim child (tied on the child's hat). Jerusalem, 1913.
MaskehFull view
Silver Mâskeh, round, engraved on one side, Ya Kafi, Ya Shafi (Healer), Ya Hafiz, Ya Ameen. يا كافي يا شافي يا حافظ يا أمين It has seven appendages attached, which are secondarily welded; attached to the coin of a fellahah (peasant woman). 1914.
MaskehFull view
Silver Mâskeh, engraved on one side, Qur'an verses, last two verses of (Surah Al Qalam), (18 Turkish Piasters). Beautiful handwriting, Bought in Jerusalem, 1916.
MaskehFull view
Silver Mâskeh, round, Jerusalem work, engraved on both sides. unclear writing. Qur'an Verse (اية الكرسي) (=Sura 2, 255), Jerusalem 1919.
MaskehFull view
Rounded silver Mâskeh, writing left to right (rare) Text (is) like (no.) 6. [Qur'an Verse (اية الكرسي)] Written on both sides, worn by a child. Jerusalem, 1922
Heart shaped StoneFull view
Silver pitcher, with the inscription
يا علي (O Ali)
attached by [engraved wtih] cement, Shiite, bought by a Bukhari Jew in 1941 (for 100 mils), who brought it with him from Bukhara.(city). -
Black StoneFull view
Silver Mâskeh stamped (with) بسم الرحمن الرحيم (In the name of (God) the most gracious, the most merciful). Jerusalem 1913
MaskehFull view
A pear-shaped Mâskeh written on one side 41 times "Muhammad " محمد and "Once" Mahmud محمود, bought in Jerusalem 1920, (silver).
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Oval Mâskeh, cast, written on two sides يا حافظ يا أمين (Ya Hafiz Ya Ameen). Each word is written twice, once from right to left and once from left to right. Text on both sides (is) the same. Bought in Nablus in 1914. (Price?).
MaskehFull view
Oval Mâskeh, cast, written on both sides, on one side the names of the seven sleepers written in a star shape. In the middle of the star يا حافظ (O Protector / keeper) in the circle Qur'an verses (Sura 68, the two last verses), above) under the tip الله عون عليك (May God help you)
on the second side in the middle. ما شاء الله (God willing). Over it نور حفظها وهوالعلي العظيم on the side, Sura 2, 255 (rare, interesting), Jerusalem, 1914.