Sails for Freedom is a multimedia exhibition centering on the theme of liberty. 45 artists, photographers and young writers from Occupied Palestine of 1948 and from exile express their ideas on liberty using different visual and audio techniques, including: paintings with written material, images, and artistic works, in addition to video, panoramic audio voicing the ideas of the participants, and finally Zan Now comics.
The exhibition is unconventional. It explores the idea of liberty in its widest sense, and as seen and expressed by Palestinian youth. It is an exhibition that reflects on the spirit of creativity and expression through the different mediums that form the essence of “Filistin Al Shabab”, and the message it disseminates: Towards a generation of youth that belongs to culture, art and creativity and capable of expressing themselves freely. The exhibition toured over a period of nine months: Birzeit University Museum, Al Najah National University in Nablus, Dar Al Tifel Al Arabi (Arab Children’s House) in Jerusalem, Popular Arts Center in Ramallah, Bethlehem University, Al Quds University in Abu Dees, Palestine Polytechnic University in Hebron, Arab American University in Jenin, and Child Center –Jericho Municipality. The objective of the exhibition is to provide for Palestinian youth from all districts the opportunity to see the exhibition and to interact with it.
Falastin Al Shabab Second Exhibition – Sails of Freedom is supported partially by the Ministry of Culture in Palestine, Panorama- Center for the Dissemination of Democracy and Community Development, Al Hayah Haq /Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan, media broadcast from Raya FM and a contribution from Qamh.
Participating artists:
Photography: Ahmad Deeb, Ahmad Sae'd, Ahed Izheman, Alla' Ghosheh, Randa Abu Ali, Firas Mkrkar, Mohamad Akrouk, Mohamad Al Aloul, Niven Manaryous, yousef shakarneh.
Other works: Iyad Sabah, Rufayda Suhwil, Ruqia Khamis, Salem Awad, Salim Al Beak, Dia' Musleh, Alla' Al Baba, Mohamad Juha, Mustafa Al Khateb, Hind Abu Hasanen.
Written works: Ahmad Al Magribi, Ehab Al Jariri, Anstasya Qrwani, Ayman Haswna, Basam Awrtani, Jehad Shjayh, Rasha Helweh, Raja Abed Al Baqi, Rawan Naser Al Din, Abla Jaber, Adania Shbli, Fayroz Shahrur, Kolit Abu Husin, Majd Kayal, Mustafa Mustafa, Mirna Sakhleh, Najwan Darwish, Nour Al Dalu, Helal Jalamenh.
Video works: Dia' Al Aza, Ayed Arafeh, lana Hijazi, Mahmoud Abu Alwah, Zan Alan, Amer Shomali
The exhibition was designed by Falstine El-Shabab
Location of the exhibition:Kamal Naser Hall/Birzeit University